power generation
- Seebeck zero
- Seebeck 250W
- Power generation
- Standard tests TÜV
- Seebeck in Numbers
- Coverings

Water-bearing with high efficient wood-nano-cogeneration unit for the generation of heat and domestic hot water, prepared for subsequent installation of a power e-modul with 250W
The Seebeck zero and the Seebeck 250W have the following technical features in common:
- 10-20 kW for heating and service water with high efficient
wood-nano-cogeneration unit
- 60 liter filling volume for wood (logs) with a size of 33-40 cm
- up to 4 hours burning per wood charge
- also as a boiler for the heating room
- with varios e-stove coverings
- Made in Germany by Thermoelect GmbH

Seebeck 250W for the generation of heat, domestic hot water and electricity
with thermoelectric generators (TEGs) with 250 watts
The Seebeck zero and the Seebeck 250W have the following technical features in common:
- 10-20 kW for heating and service water with high efficient
wood-nano-cogeneration unit
- 60 liter filling volume for wood (logs) with a size of 33-40 cm
- up to 4 hours burning per wood charge
- also as a boiler for the heating room
- with varios e-stove coverings
- Made in Germany by Thermoelect GmbH
Plus factors Seebeck 250W
- Optimal in combination with photovoltaic systems
- together with solar thermal energy and photovoltaic
- Less dependency on votaile oil, gas and electricity prices
- Can be combined with any heating technology
- Security of supply - Works in case of mains power failure
Foto: © Thermoelect GmbH, Rendering: Marty Friedrich (www.marty-friedrich.com)

Power e-module with 250 Watt prepared for subsequent installation in the e-wood stove zero.
Through thermoelectric generators (TEG)
Our wood gasification stove generates power through thermoelectric generators (TEG), which allow a direct conversion of heat from the wood fire into electric energy. Thermoelectric generators consist of special alloys and semi-conductor junctions and generate power due to a difference in temperature of the materials (Seebeck effect).
Foto: © Thermoelect GmbH, Fotograf: Georg Hundt (www.georghundt.de), 2018

At 10 KW partial load and 13% O2
- CO content 179 mg/m3
- NOx content 126 mg/m3
- CnHm 10 mg/m3
At 20 KW full load und 13% O2
- CO content 118 mg/m3
- NOx content 148 mg/m3
- CnHm 2,60 mg/m3
- Dust content 15,8 mg/m3

250 watt of electricity for the entire house
- Furnace as energy consumer (control system + fans) 50 W
- Boiler pump 20 W
- Heating circuit pump 15 W
- LED lighting, 14 LED lamps each 5 Watt 70 W Fridge/Freezer A++
(Privileg PRB376, 196 l Fridge, 111 l Freezer, peak load 150 W) 233kW/h
each year with average load of 27 W
- MacBook Pro in grid operation (100% brightness, MP4 Film) 20 W
- Charge iPhone 10 W
- Charge tablet 10 W
The remaining electrical energy will be stored in the battery.
Foto: © Thermoelect GmbH, Rendering: Marty Friedrich (www.marty-friedrich.com)

Custom design from glass ceramic to sandstone
In order to offer a great range of styles and designs, we developed a modular stove cladding. In the standard model, you can choose your Seebeck metal cover in black or anthracite.
You can also consult with our product design department to choose from a full range of materials and colour options according to your individual needs and wishes.
Sandstone, granite, soapstone as well as powder-coated materials and glass ceramic are possible options. In principle, all non-combustible building materials in class A1 are eligible for a stove cladding. Please talk to us about your wishes and options regarding materials. We’ll be happy to assist you in your selection.
Our coverings are designs by Marty Friedrich, Dipl.-Des. (FH)